It's Jepardy.

User Rating: 6 | Jeopardy! Deluxe Edition SNES
Jepardy! Deluxe Edition for the SNES is just another game show video game.

It's slow, boring, and unlike Family Feud for the SNES, if you spell a word wrong, it dosn't correct the spelling.

But, dispite that, this game can be fun, in the first few turns when you get the answers right. If you're like me, you're gonna end up with a lower score than the computer players.

But, at least you hear Alex Trebek say "Here are the catagories." and "The answer is...", which makes it better than Family Feud in sound.

So, if you go to a flea maket or garage sale, and you find a copy of Family Feud for the SNES and Jepordy! Deluxe Edition for the SNES, and there both 2 dollars, I'd pick Jepardy! Deluxe Edition if I were you.
