OMG played this game online for almost 3 years played the second version of jazz jackrabbit 2, Jazz 2 TSF

User Rating: 9.3 | Jazz Jackrabbit 2 PC
In the early days I used to play this game serval times a day, and of course the multiplayer mode :) i really was quite addicted to this game cause it was quite a new thing for me playing online games. so this game was my first experience for the online gaming :) after the 1.21 there was an update to 1.23 and later there was another release that was called "the secret files aka 1.24" with a new character called lori a girl bunny, this game also had an multiplayer game and was also very addicting :) and even without the multiplayer this game rocked! and the "Jazz Creation Station" was also quite fun, you could design your own level or tileset and serve it online what was quite awsome. anyway i'm gonna give it an 9,3 cause I used to play it a serval years and for that year it was quite an game! jazz jackrabbit still lives online tough so, that means the game still is alive! altough later there was an version called "Christmas Chronicals" what actualy was quite an flop... anyhow jazz jacrabbit 2 rocked!!!!!!