well let me just say, it took me a good ten years to beat this game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Jaws NES
well, if youre a normal gamer today, the odds are at first glance, you will have absolutly no clue on how to beat (or even begin to try) this game. You might think that you have to collect like 500 shells, or any other ridiculas theory that seems nearly impossible, because in the begining you have to shoot jaws a thousand time just to make him lose 1 out of the 20 bars of health he has. And once youre fight is over, he immedatly regains his health. This is enough for most gamers to give up out of frustation and confusion. But the anserw to beating this game is complicated, (wont spoil it, cause if you where like me you refused to look at any cheats, just to say you figured it out youreself, which for me was a battle that took almost all my life)but once, or if ever you figure this out, it will take you about 15 minutes to beat, which leaves you with nothing to do once completed since it becomes so easy after a while, no reason to keep going. But this was one of the first games i ever had, a holds a nestolgic value, and thats why i will sometimes pop out the old nes to play, but if you arent a huge retro gamer (if you arent then why are you reading this) you should stay away from this game