Alright if you have a lot, and I mean a LOT of time on your hands.

User Rating: 5.2 | Jaws NES
Of course this game is a classic, based on a classic movie. I mean really, who DOESN'T know what Jaws is? The gameplay is rather interesting, you go about on a boat until Jaws hits it, and then you go underwater.

Once you're down underwater, you have to fight off fish and such, and finally when Jaws comes along, it takes about 10 minutes to actually kill him, maybe longer. It's way too difficult. There isn't much more to say about this.

The sound is alright, you tend to ignore it though, it's slightly bland. The same goes for the music.

You'll probablly spend a long time on this game trying to beat it, I personally never could and probablly never will. I have better things to do than spend all that time trying to kill Jaws on the first go.

All I can say is, if you get this game, good luck to you.