A genre revival shaded by insufficient programming.

User Rating: 6 | Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony PC
A revival of the bullet hell genre, even the graphics are 1995 style running at unimpressive 512x320 pixels.

The gameplay is smooth and polished, and 5 difficulty levels should ensure that anyone can play it at a suitable challenge level.

The game contains only 5 short levels, so unless you get stuck it will be over in around an hour. But one can always sink time into trying to beat it at a higher difficulty level.

This game should be the easy alternative to trying to get an old classic running on a modern computer, unfortunately, it isn't. Even on my high-end gaming PC it struggles to produce fluid animation, there are various visual glitches, and the game crash from time to time.

More content would be nice, but a better technical foundation is needed for that addition to make sense.