fast, repeatitive flight scenes, broken camera, poor context controls, but offers an "interesting" experience.

User Rating: 6 | James Cameron's Avatar: The Game PSP
i liked this game, not because it was a great game, the good visuals, or the great combat system (of those three mentioned, only the 2nd was great); i like it because the faults in the game presented a unique stealth experience... and i do like stealth (if you ever play me on the ship map on CoD 1, i'll be the one sniping your face from the top of the bridge rather than getting up close with the MP40). since the melee system isn't so great, i choose a much more cautious approach... i wait for them to come to me. i usually shoot the closest guy with the bow when he's not looking, then take all the cover options and stealth attack them... this is not the game for charging with your staff... you will die... quickly... so if you want to take rather unconventional stealth approaches (like trying to guide a hammerhead through a heavily defended RDA base????) this is a quick game for you, but you might want to buy it used... with 12 REALLY quick missions and a 20 minute long credit section (that's no joke, and they won't let you skip it), it'd be better to borrow it, or buy it for $11.35 than dish out the full $20.