All that you could expect from a Bond film. Beautiful girls, cars, and a theme song. Oh yea it's also a great game.

User Rating: 9.6 | James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing GC
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing starts off like any other 007 movie. You are put in the action immediately, learning the controls as you go. After the brief action it transitions into the traditional theme song scene. Fans of the Bond films will appreciate the way this game was put together and presented to you as soon as you turn it on. All the missions follow a story line that was carefully and thoroughly plotted out. Game play mixed with small cut scenes do a good job to tell the story and involve you in the action. The graphics are phenomenal. The models almost look photorealistic, and the environments are well made with a lot of attention put into detail. There are small in game cut scenes and fully rendered scenes, both look very spectacular in terms of graphics and from a cinematic aspect. The sound is also very good. No sound effect is out of place in the game. The music is also very good for each situation and the theme song, done by Mya, was a great addition to the presentation aspect of the game. The game play mechanics work very well for the game. It allows you to be stealthy or go guns blazing. Of course Bond is known to do both but the game rewards stealth by giving you more points in the score at the end of the mission. The points system adds a great replay value to it, rewarding the player with various unlockables. Last but not least is the multiplayer fun this game has. You can either do various 2-player missions different from the single player, or you can play 4-player arena. The 2-player missions work just the same as the single player missions but with split screen. The 4-player arena mode puts up to 4 people against each other in a fixed camera arena. Guns and various level traps make the action interesting. Overall this game will not let you down. The presentation is stunning and beautiful, and the multiplayer portion of the game will keep you playing this game even after you have beaten the single player campaign.