Jak 3 is basically more of the same as Jak 2 but thats not really a bad thing.

User Rating: 9 | Jak 3 PS2
Jak 2 is one of the finest platformers around and Jak 3 is also a very good game but it is more of the same but is that a bad thing make your mind up.


Jak is sent to the desert and left there to die basically but he is helped out and is told about the destruction of Haven City from the MetalHeads and the Precursor Orbs. This could well tell what his destiny is.


There are basically 2 certain areas in the game. Haven City and the Desert as well. You use the map to navigate and are told where your destination is by icons. You get vechiles which fire weapons and you also have turbos as well for them and you get them by smashing into enemies. The controls I think certainly in the sand can be a bit tricky to hand sometimes but sand makes it difficult normally.

The weapons are basically the same as before. You do get a few new additions like the Peacemaker the most powerful weapon in the game. You get Dark Jak abilites and you transform into him by collecting Eco of Light and Dark. Light Jak can slow down time,turn invisible and even fly with the abilities he gets in the game. Daxter also gets some action to but not alot. You do also like maning turrets,racing,flying and even searching for articfacts. I do have a few problems with certain weaponry though. Sometimes you just wish you could hold the trigger down for things like turrets but it doesn't let you. Also the Hoverboard makes a return as well and that helps you get to places quicker.


I think Naughty Dog did a great job with the enviroments espically the sandy areas and such. The music is like the last game which is nice and the voice acting is good and funny but I must say I perfer Clank over Daxter in terms of gameplay.


Its a long game that should take 10 to 15 hours most to finish but then there's extras and a harder difficultly like Hero Mode.

Overall Opinion

A thrilling climax to the series on PS2. While not the best in the series it certainly is a fun and enjoyable game. Some of the guns could have been better and such but overall if you want an enjoyable game give this a try.

Overall Score 8.9