Must... Control.... Urge... To... Kill...

User Rating: 4.7 | International Cricket Captain 2006 PC
Ok, first I have to admit up front that this game isn't broken, and DOES simulate many of the technical aspects of running a cricket team. That said, it does so in a PROUNDLY graphically and sonically uninspiring fashion. It's almost as if Empire Interactive tried to make a pen and paper game and decided to make it graphic at the last minute. In this day and age, even the most spartan sim deserves better than this.

That said, it really does deserves Gamespot's 8 for gameplay. For anyone who bashes this game because it's cricket, step away for a moment. Cricket is a complex game, with VERY complex stats, seasons, and team interactions, and ICC '06 captures this very well (in a VERY raw sense). If you love cricket, an always wanted to experience running a team, this is pretty close. If you wanted to see it represented on screen in a manner that more than just "we held this score card up to a camera and scanned it into the game"... you're sc***ed.

I just have to add however, that I wonder WHY this game was made. I firmly believe that this would be a great project for a cricket enthusiat's website, but an actual GAME? That only makes sense if the developers intended to make use of the graphical power of a PC, and recorded sounds and speech. They did not, in an almost staggering way they did not, so I am left baffled.