Cumbersome controls and the lack of quality games doom this collection from the start.

User Rating: 3.5 | Intellivision Classic Games PS
With the blitz of classic video game compilations being available since 1998, This PSOne collection of classic video games for the Intellivision console comes along Sadly, this is the worst of the bunch, IMHO.

Graphicswise, the collection emulates the old games perfectly. Some games on the collection look like Atari 2600 games, while others, such as Hover Force and Stadium Mud Buggies, look like NES games--well before the NES was first released. While none of the games sport graphics that the PSOne is capable of handling, they work in their own way.

As far as sound is concerned, it's a mixed bag. Most of the games in this collection have sound effects that are clearly from the golden age of video gaming, there a select few that play melodic music on the calibur of the NES. Sadly, none of the games have digitized voices, which the original Intellivision was capable of doing by means of a special accessory at the time.

Controlwise, this is where the collection runs into some major problems. The original Intellivision controller had a disc used for movement, two fire buttons and a 12-button keypad. In order to use the keypad buttons in this collection, you have to press L1+L2 to bring up a virtual keypad. This obscures part of the view of gameplay and makes controlling completely cumbersome.

Regarding gameplay, it's definately not a perfect collection. There are come classics such as Astrosmash and Shark! Shark!, but most of them are completely terrible. Some of the games, preferabably the sports titles, require you have a second player playing with you. In other words, there are no A.I.-controlled opponents in games such as Baseball or Tennis, making the quality of these games even worst.

Overall, this is the worst classic video game collection I've ever played. A more viable option than this one is to purchase an actual Intellivision console and whatever games you deem enjoyable.