Gotta try both, and i don't mean good or evil

User Rating: 8.5 | inFamous 2 PS3
Somehow, the first Infamous was better FOR ME (story, the ending and gameplay). But this game still is really good. I witnessed no lags, no slowdowns, no screen tears, no nothing. Every time i gamed infamous 2, it was cool as winter breeze. Now the game itself....won't say they trashed it, but is not the same....not in a entirely bad way, but is not beneficial to the gamer.

Graphics: really smooth like i said before...even during huge fights. Great.

Story: the story ends in the first 5 minutes.....cole needs to collect the rfi stuff to pump up and battle the beast. Everything else in just in between. Nothing that exciting or revealing. And the ending as a hero is a piledriver.....just plain hate it. At least it makes you wanna try to be a villain instead

Gameplay: just like the first except NOW, for example on the first infamous you had the energy field right? right. On Infamous 2, you get the energy field BUT, you must choose from a couple of other powers you have under the same button configuration. And the choosing does not occur on the fly, you must stop, pick from a drop down menu and then you roll. Some of you might find this kinda nagging or **** but the first Infamous was actually pretty neat on this aspect. Flick of the button and you were able to pick your power. Fast, quick and clean. Oh, and the shield is not that protective...the only good thing is that when they shoot the shield, your power replenishes.
Something else, the wall climbing and camera angles are at times a kick to the nutsack with spiky boots! You get stuck in some really odd places (when you are about to get killed), and the camera guy goes on a bad heroin trip, no matter how hard you try to adjust it.
The user created missions....are kinda goof. Yes, it's interesting to see what people can come up with, when giving this kinda tools to do so. And at the same time there is no point to it. You get a couple of power orbs or whatever they are called, and that's it...

Replay: believe me after the sucky hero ending, am definitely goona try the bad guy way. So there you have enough to keep you busy with this title.

Bottom line: Story and gameplay wise the first was better, but the variety of foes, the size of the battles, the graphics and more fluent movement of Cole himself are actually rewarding to try this game. Which is really good, cuz the first game was actually considered one of the best titles on the PS3. Now that i have played both, i must say they were right. Infamous Great - Infamous 2 Good.

Buy this game, it's worth your time. It does have a few minor setbacks on the gameplay and story dept. (and i will not get tired of saying this, the ending for the hero part just SUCKS balls!!), but besides that it's a good ride.