Indgio Prophecy or Fahrenheit is the best Adventure game of all time.

User Rating: 8.9 | Indigo Prophecy XBOX
In a cold night in New York City, in a resturant, a man get´s murdered, by you. You start playing Lucas Kane, sitting in a toliet. A man has just been at the toliet and are washing hands. Lucas has a knife, which he uses to cut symbols in his forearms. Then he stands up, goes over to the man. The man turns around, and is stabbed in the chest. He falls. Lucas then sits on him, stabbing him repeatley in the chest. But then he changes. He was in trance, and has just murdered a man. It´s here you start controling him, and from this point, you find out how well the story has been made. Will you try to hide the weapon, and the body? Will you just get the hell out of there? That´s your choice. Now it´s here where a twist happens. You also play as Carla Valenti, and Tyler Miles. These guys work for the police, and are trying to capture Lucas. So you first help Lucas, only to find him again as another character. One thing you got to know that this isden´t a normal game. First of all the gameplay is very different. To do things, you use the Right Thumbstick. For example: Push the Right Thumbstick up, to open a door, push it up, and the left to drink tea. Sometimes you find yourself in some action siturations, where you must either fight, think, or contracte. You then see 2 circle like symbols on the screen. If the left circle lights up, then push up on the left thumbstick etc. As said it´s requried even in the action moments, where you have to fight. If you go it all right, you fight like Neo from The Matrix. By now you must think that you only contracte on finding Lucas, but that´s wrong. Besides duing that, you can help your characters duing normal things, like reading a book, using a computer, even have sex etc. Maybe theres not much gameplay here, but since it´s a Adventure Game, you can expect that. As said before there are many ways to advance in the story, which results in 3 diffierent endings overall. Some endings requrie you to win sometimes, and lose sometimes, but that´s what you have to find out. The graphics are a bit nice but it could have been better, which is bit of a shame really, since the story demands good graphics. IT does mange to capture one element of the gameplay right. Sometimes you have to keep pressing Left & Right Trigger, to be faster. It dosen´t make a mistake there. The sound is great however. There´s good voice acting, and good sound effects. But the best at this point is however the soundtrack. It´s great and captures the feeling of the game. There is also some songs from bands such as Theroy Of A Dead Man. The lifesplan is dissapointing however. OPM2 said it took 10 hours to complete, PSM2 said 20 hours. Both magzines lie cause i could complete it in small 7-8 hours. It´s really dissapointing that it is very short. But there´s big replay value, trying to expirence the story different ways. You can also find tarot cards which you can use to buy extras, such as soundtrack, making of, and some movies. Overall this is a game that is very good. A good story, and a orginal gameplay, make this game worth it all. It´s not a classic, but close.