Amazing game, highly recommended and works perfeclty with Windows Vista!

User Rating: 8.5 | Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb PC
An absolutely amazing game for a game that has been made in 2003!

I have been playing this for the last 2 years or so and have found this really enjoyable to play. Useto play it on my old XP machine and thanks God it also works on VISTA with no problems!

You enter through a series of adventures in different countries, from Sri Lanka to Czech Republic and then to Turkey. You see and have to fight your way through various vicious enemies and creatures such as sharks.
The graphics are amazingly good. The AI is so intelligent and it spots you easily so you gotto be smart or you'll get shot dead.

This is very similar to Uncharted Drakes Fortune because you climb and run around kill enemies with various weopons and fights, incredible!
I think the games slighlty better than th critic score especially for its time. I see many modern latest games who you can't play any longer then a couple of hours. Some of latest games have terrible gameplay. Where as this has amazing gameplay. plus the graphics are very good, not like Crysis thats for sure :) But amazing nonetheless.

The only side affect I've got with this game is that you cannot save the game whenever you want. You are forced to complete the level, the levels arent all that too long so you won't have problems with it. Sometimes a bit of a trouble with controlling Indiana in can be a bit disadvantaging. But again if you compare the control system of this game with "Alone in The Dark" you'll see that it is trillion times easier to control then the game in AITD. So again just cos its old doesn't mean its gold! :D