Came so close to what i would call my perfect game

User Rating: 7.5 | Imperial Glory PC
gah, I don't know what it is with Napoleonic War period games, it seems every one that is made has a major flaw in one sector.

Let's take a look back at a couple of others. Age of Empires 3 ridiculously boring story lines when they werent really needed also no formations "lol" the 3d made the game look horrible compared to AOE 2 aswell.

Next American Conquest the game looked good, had nice music, half decent story lines, but grammar mistakes in the script and when you are given orders at the start of mission, i cant remember exactly but "Most Likey Chief Pontiac is MOST LIKELY behind it all" BE VIGILANT lol < yeah i loaded up the game and checked just there. Anyway the gameplay was very good, but no videos in the campaigns and the fact that your men end up all over the map because they are scared witless, lack of actual characters, and im going to say difficulty because it takes ages to destroy the enemy becuase they build so damn much lool

So Imperial Glory, Firstly no videos at all ha, ive not completed it yet but am assuming there arent any videos at the end, the naval battles are cool but the ships could have had a bit more animation on board and sound effects of the sailors going mental etc. On land battles the enemy is easy to beat because they always come to you, it is simple to defend plus cannons are devastating to the enemy have 10 of those and your rolling on to victory. It is stupid trying to make countries like you, i offered 50,000 gold to denmark to try and get the relations to 100 and they refused the offer, which took relations down to 90 garrgh. all of your guys bar the militia look the same, there are no officers on the field, and your men do not run away, i had 4 men in a house against 2 cavalry units and they could do f*** all to me, i just kept shootin em for about 15 minutes lol. The soldiers also do not reload properly and reload very quickly, and also are extremely good shots. you cannot build forts, takes too long to build up armies due to not being able to build barracks in non capital cities, the list goes on and on with things that annoy me about this game. However i do like the trading part where you build ships to trade to certain cities and the men do look cool.

to rap it up if Cossacks 2, American Conquest, AO3 and Imperial glory had all their good sides combined it would be an awesome game. I will have to wait until that day comes.

Thanks for reading this review, its my first one i've ever done so forgive me if its not proffessional. Later lads n lasses