The most underrated game on the NES.... and still hard today.

User Rating: 9 | Ice Climber NES
When you talk hard, you talk Ice Climber. The most underrated game on the NES deserves some attention. Sure they appeared in SSB, but that's not enough. We're gonna talk about why Ice Climber was such a success. As Super Reviews reviews Ice Climber, the legendary NES hardness of all time.

Gameplay 5/5: Unlike most games on the NES at the time, Ice Climber took platforming and took it into an ENTIRE new level. With puzzle/platforming in every level. The point is to get to the top of the mountain without getting killed by polar bears and weird.... midget snow thingys. It sounds like a Mario ripoff... but it WASN'T.

Controls 4/5: The controls were a bit of a flaw to this game. I keep trying to jump but can not get on that cloud. It was a bit hard for its time... but with Donkey Kong on the NES a few years back, this was nothing.

Music 5/5: Now what could be the most underlooked music soundtrack of all time? The Main Theme. It was so good that they actually put a remix in Brawl and Melee. Still, nothing changes the fact that the main theme ROCKS.

With gameplay unlike anything else in its time and controls more frusturating then beating Tabuu in Brawl, this game get a 9.0/10. Pretty good.