I-Ninja mixes lots of different genres into tons of different missions, resulting in a great game overall.

User Rating: 8 | I-Ninja PS2
I-Ninja is actually a really good rip-off (Not too much of one) of tons of other games. The main gameplay, an Action-Adventure-Platformer, is a mix of Ratchet And Clank and Shinobi.

You must collect grades in a series of levels and challenges (In kind of a Super Mario 64 style) to defeat the Ranx army and their evil master, O-Dor.

In addition to slicing-and-dicing, you can jump in turrets and blow stuff up, go in submarines, control these hamster ball-things, and even fight giant robots in a Punch-Out kind of style. Heck, they even mix in first person shooting genres in.

You can also upgrade Ninja's sword, by defeating Ranx. Upgrading you sword makes you stronger (No dip, right?).

There are also lots of collectables, like shurikens, exploding darts, coins, and rage stones. Rage stones give you new special abilities, like revival and strength enhancements.

It's a great game, and a great game to have in your collection if you have a PS2.