A good Platformer that can be enjoyed by all

User Rating: 7.2 | I-Ninja GC
I-Ninja is one of those games that you can pick up and play, and later realize that you have spent 3 hours completing one of the worlds in the game. I really liked the Gameplay of I-Ninja. It has a variety of game mechanics such as fighting a boss in a giant Mech to sinking ships in the water before they can reach shore. Add that to a good platformer and there should be lots of variety to keep you entertained throughout.

The difficulty level of this game could have been a little higher. You are required to reach a certain color of ninja belt before accessing certain areas, but is easily done by completeing the main quest levels. You have the option to replay the levels a few times with new objectives added to the level, and they can be a little difficult at times. But you are not required to complete all the levels before finishing the game so you can skip some of the more difficult tasks.

Overall I would recommend this game to everybody who likes platformers. A decent challenge for older gamers, and very playable for the younger gamers.