Completion time 3 and half hours.

User Rating: 4 | I Am Alive PS3
You start this game and you are expecting something great because it makes you remember fallout enviroment so you think you will find many different adventures by exploring the game and the ruins of what used to be a beautiful city where loved families lived.

WELL GUESS AGAIN PAL because here you must follow a linear scripted road which you dont have any freedom at all to explore the world or go anywhere else than the mission says so.

Another game that you become an errand boy and serve all the idiots that cant survive by their own so you must go and help them and give them food and stuff WHO GIVES A DAMN i want to explore the world and fight mutated zombies and aliens not ordinary everyday people who are boring as hell.

Combat system is something like that you aim at enemy he surrender > you dont aim he rush to you even though you aimed at them with a loaded gun just 1 sec before to kill them, so you have no option but to kill them you can just leave them or run or whatever you kill them every time with the same stupid combat system.

They added some assasin creed stuff to spice it up but it made it more boring, worst 3 hours i ever spend and thanks "Sweden" for not paying the game and losing my money.