I coulden't play this stupid game on any pc on my house I tried my basement pc and fathers none of which w

User Rating: 1 | Hyper Rails: Roller Coaster Designer PC
Okay as what I said It doesen't work at all
It was a waste of money to get the game and all it does is close out for no good reason
I was almost going to beat the crap out of the game and get a better game which is roller coaster tycoon 1 and 2
and besides It only has 6 roller coaster types anyway so what's so good to that comparing it to roller coaster tycoon 1 and 2
Roller coaster tycoon wins the bet.
so as I was saying I got really impressed of the feature and really wanted to try it but guess what happened?
It closed out
I was like WHAT?!?!
this game is toast

so as you can see this game sucks and doesen't work!!
don't buy this it broken and unstable
................................thats all