The developers missed the opportunity of making the Hulk into an interesting action game, and made it a mediocre one.

User Rating: 6.1 | Hulk PC
I started reading The Incredible Hulk comics from 1972, when I was so young that I did not even understand the English. Then came the TV series in the late seventies. Disappointed. Then Ang Lee translated the Hulk into his movie. Again disappointed. It was only natural for me to pick up the game, when it came out. Well what do you know; disappointed.
From Hulk, I would have expected a game with a big open environment and really huge actions. Instead what I got was limited environment like the DOS games of the mid nineties and not so happy with the enemies. Instead of the comic book, this game goes loyal to the Ang Lee movie—which I think was a wrong decision. Because the movie was an introduction to Hulk, while the game could have simply focused on the strange and strong opponents that Hulk has in the comic books.
I felt that the makers did not put their heart into the game or the original character. Hulk could have been a perfectly different hero in computer games because of his unlimited strength and short coming of intellectual capability.