Interesting game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Hotel Dusk: Room 215 DS
Basically speaking, this is the first DS game I have played that involves a book-like positioning of the DS. This idea is really novel and interesting and it piqued my interest as soon as the game started, asking about which is my master hand (I'm left-handed you see).

The well drawn and animated characters gave the game the overall feel that was appropriate for the time-frame the story took place in. The sketchy feeling the artists gave to the characters furthermore enhanced the game experience.

The puzzles were relatively solvable with the occasional puzzles which required one to pay more attention to. The innovative use of the stylus and DS screens wowed me and kept my attention on the game.
Another interesting point about the game is the presence of a notebook which Kyle has. It gives the player the ability to note down anything that he/she deems of importance, giving some freedom to the player.

Most worth mentioning about Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is the storyline. While the whole story takes place in just one night, the events in which the story unfolds through will certainly surprise most players, giving many twists and turns to the story as Kyle uncovers more secrets.

While the game has a replayable function, allowing one to restart the whole night's worth of events after the first completion, I think that the replayability value of the game is pretty low.

To sum it all up, I feel that it is worth owning this game for the sheer fact that its storyline is really wonderful. Apart from the storyline, the puzzles also serve to enhance gameplay.