Hotel Dusk...Not bad but not great

User Rating: 8.5 | Hotel Dusk: Room 215 DS
Having never been a huge fan of the lately craptacular adventure games, I was a little wary at picking up Hotel Dusk. The game starts out rather slow, with no real sense of direction. At first I aimlessly wandered around picking up anything item in the hotel and speaking with anyone who would talk. When nothing was left I tried every door handle, finally I started to figure the game out. After those first 15 minutes of frustration I was hooked and couldn't put the game down for the next 2 weeks. Overall this turned out to be a great game for the DS and I hope that there's more to come as well. I know that some of the newer gen gamers don't enjoy these types of games but for an old-schooler, I like it a lot....