Not a bad pass time, but for me just a second choice.

User Rating: 6 | Hot Wheels: Beat That! DS
Hot wheels has sent out a nintendo ds game now and i think the thought was could it be made and not should it be made.

You'll start off with deafault cars like "cool one" and "jackhammer" and you get stuck into a mode where you are in different environments and tracks, the first one is bedroom.All you have to do is race around and beat objectives in quick race, eliminator you have to not be in last when the 30 or so second time limit ends and rampage you have to hit a certain amount of cars within the time limit while completing objectives.There are of course dishonest ways of getting in first with powerups all over the place like rockets, testa, boost etc. As you progress you get different ranks, tracks, environments difficultys and cars. Really i wouldn't recommend this game to anyone that just bought a ds so i would suggest unless you're an extremely die hard fan of hotwheels, don't pick this up off the shelf.That's all people, thank you for reading.