Scary as Hell - Thai Hell!

User Rating: 9 | Home Sweet Home PS4

This is one scary game. Goosebumps. Don't turn off the lights. It really, really nails the atmosphere. There are a good number of jump scares, but not so many they feel forced or loose their effect. It's mainly about an atmosphere.

The game itself is purely defensive. That means it's about being quick - seeing the evil spirit and reacting - but also about puzzle solving. Where can you hide that they won't find you? What are the clues about where they are coming from next? Some of the puzzles were pretty hard, at least for me, but mostly they are fair.

Moster art is great, the environments are great. I thought the humans could have been a bit more realistic but not a huge deal. Not sure what i think of the voice acting - it's OK, but doesn't feel exactly natural.

Game is set in Thailand, so the monsters were new to me and the atmosphere is a bit different.

Absolutely reccomend