A hilariously unfunny game spun from a hilariously funny movie.

User Rating: 4.5 | Home Alone SNES
This game can be summed up in one word, unfun. Regardless of the fact that "unfun" isn't a word, that's exactly what it is. I'll make this short and to the point.

Gameplay for this game was for lack of a better word, disasterous. Controls were either too picky at certain parts, or not even worth trying because they are ridiculous to try and use. The main concept of this game was to run around and solve puzzles, but the puzzles were too easy and lacking in any intelligent use of brain cells.

Even for the SNES, the graphics were horrible. There was truly nothing special about how the areas, or characters were set up.

The music was bland, with no real excitement to it. I'm pretty sure the music directors and the composer knew that this game was not all that exciting. When caught, the only thing that I found funny was the bell alarm sound that was made when you were caught.

This isn't that awesome of a game. The only replay value that I had was whether I beat the game again with a faster time. Other than that, it had no replay value.

Ignore it if you can, or use it as a gag present, because all that it's going to do when they play it... gag.