DO not play this game on PS4

User Rating: 10 | Hex: Card Clash PS4

Here's why:

1) So when you are a new player and don't anything about this game you go in thinking looks fun why not? What you don't know is that other users on other platforms have been playing this game for a whole lot longer than you so you will have to play against more experienced players that have had years to perfect their decks.

2) All the content there is on PC or steam like campaign PVE forget about that you don't have access to this because hey you could get cards for free and this is not the point for this game on PS4 it is made for you to buy platinum .

3) Auction house, trading and even sending mail which can help you out a lot. Well you are a PS4 user that's not for you, you are retarded scum that this game wants to take advantage of.

4) The CRASHES OH MY GOD THE FRIGGING CRASHES. Well you know whenever you play a game against anybody if somebody transforms a card and you want to know what it does well once again my dear PS4 user forget about it you are scum that deserve to get disconnected for you know trying to read the details of the card.

5) LAG on all the menus and well sometimes you are wondering is it working?

6) Deckbuilder crap. This which should be a useful tool again to build a deck, well its crap. At first you look at it you are like hmmm okay so I can only make a deck with the cards I have I can't buy them seperatly. And then you buy platinum to get boosters packs or decks. So you got scammed right there buddy because of their crappy filters. You see to see all the cards available that you can purchase you have to go select a filter that only says show all cards. So you are thinking at first oh it shows just the cards I have. But then again the thought keeps creeping in your head that it doesn't make any sense so you go look it up google to figure it out and bam voila again PS4 users we are scum to this company so indications on how the game works forget about it.

7) You want to post on their forum, well again PS4 scum, you can't because the site will make you download the game on PC to get stuck at this 2 factor thing that has no explication on what to do. So I can't warn any other PS4 users to keep away from it.

8) Go o HEX website get the game there and you get 200 free cards! We PS4 users get one cheap ass deck. So we have t buy ther platinum

So all you other platform players will soon see an intense decline in the PS4 users and we can't even post our disappointment on the site to let you know why we are stopping playing this shit game. So PS4 users thinking of playing this go play Hand of the gods SMITE TACTICS yes it has its problem but its a BETA at least they are honest about it.