This game used to be called DoTA 1.5.

User Rating: 6 | Heroes of Newerth PC
When I bought this game for 30 dollars, I knew what I was getting: a modern version of Defenders of The Ancients. After a while S2 started adding their own heroes which were often very strong if not overpowered. Later they changed the map design and removed secret shops. Next the game becomes F2P and S2 wants you to pay for everything, including early access to new heroes, exclusive alt skins, icons, your name's color, permanent access to heroes and even for queueing.

Of course I had access to all heroes since I bought the game before F2P. People who are joining this game during F2P will be milked for everything. At least in League of Legends you can earn new heroes while in DoTA 2 you have access to all heroes and can earn decorations.

Overall, if you're reading this text, you're too late to join HoN.

NOTE: Nowdays the heroes are free in HoN.