Heroes III bring everything to the PC you could ask for as the game is powerfully fun.

User Rating: 9.2 | Heroes of Might and Magic III PC
My friends and I had a phase where we played this game for 5 hours a day probably the entire summer. When this game grips a hold of you there is no turning away. With so many maps and so many unique experiences, the game never gets old. I have also played Heroes IV and it cannot even compete with this one. I am curious to know how Heroes V will do.

Gameplay: No flaws here. Everyone takes a turn to make a move (like in the final fantasies) but you have to incorperate so many different stradigies and spells when it comes to technique to end up on top, especialy in a close battle. It becomes so intense, especially towards the end, when you still have no idea who will win it.

Graphics: Decent. The game isnt known for its graphics but they certaintly arent atrocious, they just arent spectacular.

Sounds: Real nice: Each creature makes different sounds when attacking and decieving damage (even a different sound when shielding and recieving damage). And when you make stops at different places, they always greet you with a new sound. SOme of the sounds are more rudimentry but there are many of them (I especially loves the hooves of the horses).

Value: Very Original. Not many people know of this game as it doesnt get the recognition it deserves but it is very valuable in the sense that not many games are too like it.

Reviewer's Tilt: High reviews. Like I said, not many people know of it, but of the people that do, they love it!

Recommendation: You don't need a high end PC or anything like that to enjoy this game. If you have a computer, as long as it is new enough to have windows, you should probably get this game. BE WARNED, this game is not for everyone but it is definitely worth the try.