I played this game when it first came out, and I still play it to this day. It's that good.

User Rating: 10 | Heroes of Might and Magic III PC
I have always been a strategy game fan, and this game is one of the reason I became a die hard one. The gameplay is both easy to pick up, and deep enough to be a very deep and thought invoking experience. Games which reach this level are extremely rare, especially today with the games being dumbed down so much.

Some gamers may turned off by the slow paced turn based gameplay, but if you give the game even a little bit of a chance you will be enchanted by it.

3DO unfortunately has shut down, and the Heroes series is now in Ubisoft's hands. They did an alright job with HOMM V, but it basically stole most of the gameplay with this game and plastered it with newer graphics. HOMM V lacks the charm and beauty of this game. HOMM III's graphics are outdated and show their age today, but it is an undeniably amazing game.

This is easily one of the games I have spent countless hours on, and I do not regret any of it.