A well-elaborated movie plot with the best elements of an action game

User Rating: 9.5 | Heavy Rain PS3
From all the games I played in my entire life, I don't remember getting to much involved with a game plot until I played Heavy Rain.
In spite of the awful bugs that may freeze the game or make the characters float in an invisible platform, the game is just AWESOME. Yes, I guess there is not better word to describe it.

You will be able to play with four different characters throughout the game. The architect Ethan Mars, the journalist Madison Paige, the FBI agent and drug addict Norman Jayden and the private detective Scott Shelby, all four somehow involved with the case of the Origami Killer, a serial killer that kidnaps children between 9 and 13 years old and drowns them. The characters have no unique abilities and all commands are the same for each of them, which may sound stupid, but is pretty fair. All of them have the same chances of survival and depend on the choices you make during the game. Each character can die in any part of the story and, if that ever happens, they will not, by any means, come back to the plot.

As for the gameplay, those who played Resident Evil 4 and 5 and liked the Active Time Events (also known as "press the random buttons that show up on the screen as soon as possible otherwise you'll die in a tragic way") will feel pretty confortable with this one game, since the gameplay is ONLY THAT.
This may seem a little boring and the idea of having to press the buttons in the right moment or get a game over may not sound quite promising, as you play the game you'll see that this fits perfectly in the game. It's like being able to control the occurrences of a movie. Every single detail of it: what the characters say, what they do while they are talking to other characters... in a certain part of the game you can even play with the slides projector while giving a speech. Some of the things you do will not have the slightest hint of influence in the story, like taking a shower, brushing your teeth or taking a coffee. Some other things may be the difference between finding who the murderer is or having the wrong person convicted.

The soundtrack throws you just in the right atmosphere of the game. The sound effects are very realistic. The motion sensor of the PS3 controller was perfectly used and adds up the tension which the characters are going through.
The graphics, voice acting, scenario, everything fits just right for the story told.

The game is short, but the amount of possibilities will make you play this game at least twice or thrice after you finish it. Definitely worth playing.