Armored Trooper VOTOMS/ Rainbow-Six hybrid at its best!

User Rating: 9 | Heavy Gear II PC
If you've ever heard of Armored Troopers VOTOMS, then you know Heavy Gear is basically a spinoff of that. But thats not to say thats a bad thing, This is a mech game that makes mechs actually a plausible war machine and activision did it very well. From the retractable "wheels'' to the anti- personel machinguns and the heavy anti-gear weapons, every thing seems plausible and has a purpose. Dont want to use your heavy rounds for mere infantry, unload on them normandy style with your shoulder mounted gattling gun, want to travel faster, use your "wheel". The game is great, and I have many of the new games out there but I still play this one and have been since it cameout in '99. Why give this game a try, well first of all its just that good, and secondly, you can esily get this title for under $9.00! And if u like VOTOMS, Starship Troopers(the novel) or reminise on games such as Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri, then I highly recomend this title.