A free game means free fun, and it's free in (almost) all windows computers!

User Rating: 7 | Hearts PC
Gameplay: You may or may not what Hearts is about, but I'll (very briefly) explain the basics. There are 4 players (you and three AI, at least in the Windows 7 version, I've heard you can do multiplayer in other versions, but I'm not too sure about the Windows 7 one). Each player has 13 cards and has to discard them. Every turn, every player discards exactly one card, and the player who discarded the highest card takes all the cards, which you don't want, because the player with the lowest score(who takes the least cards) is the one who wins at the end.
The player who puts the first card in a turn decides what suit the turn will be played in. The others have to play a card of the same suit, unless they don't have one. If they don't have one, they can put any card without a penalty. You have to use that to your advantage.
Also, the player who loses a round plays first the next round.
That's the basics.
The gameplay works really well, everything is point and click and it works. It lack features other than just random solo play, but for a free game, it's not bad.

Presentation: The presentation is as expected if you've played any other Windows free game. It isn't too nice, but at least looks decent and has some minor sound effects. There's not much to complain about, but it coul've been better.

Replay Value: You can replay the game as much as you want, but there's no point to it besides improving in the game or for pure fun, which is a shame, but again, I can't complain much because the game is free.

Fun: I had fun for the little time I played this game. Since there's not much to do, I doubt you'll have fun for long, but this game's good if you're bored at work/school and have nothing to do.

Overall: The game may lack content, but if you have a Windows computer, I suggest you give it a try, it doesn't take long to set, and it's fun.