Wow, thats the word to sum up Heart of Darkness

User Rating: 9 | Heart of Darkness PS
A boy by the name of Andy emerges on a quest to save his pet dog from an evil lord.

To be honest i don't really remember too much about this game except the opening scene and the first level, as i last played it in about 1998-99. My dad the most un-gamer in history, played this game flat out until he finished it, this game is fun to play, its not really easy too, it can be hard at times, it has a great story and is just really unknown and under appreciated, thats why most of you haven't heard anything about it. i would definitely recommend this to all gamers who are bored of the whole "final fantasy" or "lame monster fps" thing, this is a game thats totally different and unique to all other games, don't let the 2D - Side Strolling put you off, you have to play this game, no matter who you are.