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User Rating: 9 | Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town GBA
This game is a great time consumer, a good game that will keep you playing it for about a month or two! Some of the glitches and typos really hold back the games full potential! The game isn't all bad though, you have the choose of running a farm or not. Not to mention the game gets waaaaay boring, seeing as how you have to ship manly the same items just to make a quick buck gets repetitive! Most all of the characters look good ,but every time you talk to them they just say the same things again and again! If you look hard enough there's also a good side to the game! You can choose a bride, take care of some animals, compete in festivals, make friends with the townsfolk, run a healthy farm, see some funny Heart Events, expand you house, hang out at the bar, mine, upgrade your tools, that's basically it. Unlike most people, I love this game! I would recommend getting this game if your looking for a time consumer or if your a fan of the franchise!