Its no the best.

User Rating: 8 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix X360
The game is ok. Best when it came out, it has been downgraded since it has came out. Good graphicks and good the way you can go anywear in the grounds of hogwarts. You should rent before bye, unless you have all the other games. Like myself. If you like HP then you should get it. Or if you like RP games, it is great.
It is very interesting, the story line that is.
Even thoe I have not completed it yet it is good the bit I have got up to. I say you should rent it out if you dont like it dont buy it. As i said before it is a great RP game and a fun experence of Hogwarts!.....................................................................................................................why does it have to be 800 words, I have done it on the PS2 but at the begging of it on the 360.........I really should be there by know. D U D E Daryl Y