Great graphics though same as the last HP. Yet its better. Good for fun and free players, not for hardcores.

User Rating: 8.5 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince PS2
The game is pretty well balanced with a good story line and fairly well controls and graphics. The sound quality is very impressive and better than last game's. The story line is awesome with different variety of side missions. Duelling system is improved. The game focuses on making potions. This might get you bored off later on but its fun in the starting. The hogwarts map is the same as last game's. The game gave me mixed emotions and thoughts as it is according to me a boring game but worthy of praise. Its a must buy for Harry potter fans. The cutscenes are quite impressive. So thats petty much about the game. I was confused about it so would ask you to rent it first! The game suites well for younger age. HP6 is not of blood and gore types so hardcores are advised to keep away from HP series. By far it has been the best in HP series clashed with HP5