A fun game where you play as Harry Potter and can explore Hogwarts on his second year at the wizarding school!

User Rating: 7.8 | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets GBA
I liked this game very much i thought it was fun and enjoyable. The fact that you can walk around the castle and go where-ever you feel like really added to the game, you can explore the school from the books and even walk through paintings.

The game features many fun things to do including learning to fly a broomstick and actually playing a game of Quidich! You can learn various spells throughout the game including a spell that makes certain objects float and a spell which can burn things!

The game is very good but has some major flaws, one being that the game is too easy and can be completed in under two days! The other being once you get to the part where you have to kill the Basilisk you cannot play the game any more and there is nothing else to do.

This game was very entertaining and fun to play i would recomend any one to rent it because you can finish it very quickly.