Not Again, Harry What Have You Done. NOOB Nuff Said.

User Rating: 4.9 | Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heya PS2
Harry Potter And Blah Blah Blah For PS2.

This isn't as good as the book.

In any case the lack of real action and the many stupid and dead boring tasks we have to deal with through our ``adventure``, the game focuses too much on the book/movie`s plot, more than is necessary, but I`ll go on that later.

Graphics : Fairly standard, there is a couple of low quality textures here and a few pathetic GC sequences there (fortunately very few), but overall very good. My only complaint is that the characters are utterly devoid of charisma, but nothing can be done about that.

Sound : Well, sometimes there is some of that during the boss battles and cut scenes. Basically the standard nearly non-existent soundtrack most video games (specially non-Japanese games) nowadays have.

About the voice acting, as I was only able to play in Spanish, all I can say is this is a huge accomplishment considering that most non-English or non-Japanese dubs are simply embarrassing. I always read complaints about how bad English dubs are, ah!, that sure is funny, that is because you have never experienced those games in French, Italian or Spanish, but I live in Europe, and I am able to compare, and believe me, you can`t even begin to imagine how painful they are, to give you an idea the first time I played ArcTheLad: Twilight of The Spirits in Spanish I ended up in a 2-week coma, and I am still in the recovery stage.

Gameplay : More or less like a 3D action/adventure/platformer without platforms, hardly any action and a breathtakingly dull pace. With all the gameplay is not THAT bad, in fact it isn`t even bad, but it is way too boring.

Overall the gameplay has some similarities to Ocarina of Time (what a surprise), we can`t jump, we can assign three spells at time to any button, we can lock our targets in a very similar way and a few more things. Now, it is similar sure, but not nearly as good, the battle system is ineffective and slow (locking on to a target is a nightmare), there is not enough action and the puzzles are painfully typical.

The game focuses too much on plot rather than the action or adventure, which makes it a very slow paced experience after just a few levels, and, you know, this is an action/adventure game. Slow paced as well as boring: come here, go there, talk to that moron, get this spell, more talk, pass by unnoticed, go back, fight two or three silly monsters, I lost my coins please find them, I lost my magic potion please find it, I lost my... How original, and it sure is easy to get lost in that Hogwarts place, specially with that piece of monkey dung that is you map, use it and you will get lost in no time. And again, the combats are really cheap, our attacks are so slow and ineffective that fighting is not always the best strategy, in fact running away is the best option unless it is necessary to continue playing.

People often complaints about games or movies not being similar enough to the book or movie they are based in, but I think this is going to far, if you are making an action/adventure game based on a book where the characters spend their time walking from one place to another talking nonsenses, well, I don`t know, but at least skip those parts.

Back when action/adventure/platform games were worthy, if there was a stage inside a library, it was only a simple platform stage where we had to get rid of flying books jumping over bookshelves while shaking our magic wand, uncomplicated entertainment.

Finally, if that is not dull and slow enough for you, we have loading screens every two steps, there are load screens almost every time we cross a door.

Overall Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets is not exactly a bad game, but it is a tremendously lame, slow and typical title. For hardcore fans of the characters only.