worst ds game ever

User Rating: 1 | Hannah Montana DS
Hannah montana is the worst ds game ever.Even the biggest hannah montana fans will hate this game. the game is flat out bad and the characters dont look anything like the actual people and if there was one word to describe this game it would be bbbbbbbbbb oooooooooo rrrrrrrr iiiiiiiiiiiiii nnnnn ggggg. no one will have any fun playing this game. it is a waste of time and money.avoid at all cost it is completely awful the worst ds game and second wost video game of all time next to high heat baseball 2003 which is even worse.and finally the real actual score for this game is a 0.0.so do not play at anytime anywhere.i can say no more about this awful game and i will never play a hannah montana game ever again. also it is boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring.