Better than I thought after playing Catz

User Rating: 9 | Love Love Hamster DS
Hamsterz life it's an entertaining game. Not as boring as the dissapointing Catz, and really recommendable. Let's review it:
Graphics: The graphics look just fine, actually realistic till you get to the minigames, where graphics change to an anime style:
Gameplay: The minigames are pretty easy to play and use good use of the stylus in the game. About the commands, you control everything with stylus, from petting your hamster to cleaning it's cage:
Replay Value: It has a lot as most simulators, until you get everything in the game, but I think you need like 2 years to clear the 100%:
Variety: There's even a rollercoaster for your hamster, so teh variety is a lot, there are also like more than 120 phrases and words:
Multiplayer: Also a multiplayer? Well yes, but it's only to share info and some other things, and it's multicard, not as good:
Conclusion: This game doesn't actually deserve a 10, but it's pretty decent after seing the dissapointing Catz.