An awesome game to play...

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 2 XBOX
Halo 2 is a awesome game.

It has more improved graphics,and some really good sound,also the gameplay is great,and the controls are very easy to use.And the single player is really good,and the story line is great.Also you get to be master chief,also there are a few new weapons in the game,also the multiplayer is great,and its so much fun to play.

Graphics:9.5/10:The graphics in this game are great,and had made the game more better and fun to play.

Sound:9.5/10:The sound in this game was also great.

Gameplay:9.5/10:The gameplay in this game was really good,and the controls were really easy to use.

Story line:9.5/10:The story line in this game was also really good.

Multiplayer:9.5/10:The multiplayer in this game was great,and had made the game much more fun to play.

Overall:9.5/10:This game is great,with some great graphics and sound,and some really good gameplay,and the controls are very easy to use,also the multiplayer is really fun to play.