This game IS multiplayer. And no other multiplayer game can touch it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 2 XBOX
Gameplay and Story, great game a little short but fun non-the-less. It's that type of game you can play Campaign and Multiplayer all day and never get sick of it. It has that fun that doesn't lose its golden touch. It has that story that makes you want more. Its a brilliant game and deffinetly deserves a Superb rating.

Graphics, comparing to 2004 it is great. The graphics sometimes are a bit cheap and glitchy but they aren't bad to look at like some other games made in 2004. The scale is pretty massive and impressive.

Sound and Music, the Music is amazing. It's like this awesome theme that you will be guaranteed to hum along too. Sound effects are good, and audio visual quality is very good. br />

Value and Tilt, the value that this game has is great. Halo 2 has that value that never gets old and you have to rent this game if not buy it.

Control Layout, controls in Halo 2 are so very simple. You shoot with R, grenage with L. And you simply will find out the rest in 5-10 minutes. And its not hard to use during battle so it will be simple and fun.

Total Rating, with amazing Sound, Gameplay, and Value, how can you not like Halo 2? It's the perfect online multiplayer experience, and I love this game. Halo 2 is a game that will never be fogotten. The multiplayer is astoundingly fun, the amount of time I spent on this game is too much to count. This is the most fun game in the history of xbox.