This game still rocks in 2010.

User Rating: 9.5 | Half-Life 2 PC
I played half-life long ago and came back now because of orange box. I installed all games via steam and decided to play half-life from the beggining instead of playing episode 2 rigth away.
All i can say is that this game is still impressive in 2010. Illumination, physics, open environments, the athmosfere all works together to deliver us a prime experience.
The enemy is determined to wipe humanity from existance, so the fight Gordon Freeman fights is not only legit, but a survival one. He carries on the hopes of mankind.
The enemy is well prepared, have advanced weaponry, brutal and has enslaved us all. Humanity only fougth for 7 hours and was conquered. So you get the feeling of despair and tragedy that surround the survivors.
Its freaking brilliant. A game that has a very, very interesting history and that is surely a must play game if you are a serious pc gamer.