This Game is the Ultimate in Single Person FPS

User Rating: 9.6 | Half-Life 2 PC
The Graphics look amazing and somthing more important the story has drawn me into the game in a way an FPS hasnt done in a long time. Great Game worth the wait for quality software like this. The brought in key elements in the game to make it more involving. The idea that you pick up most any objest in the game, if it is small enough for you to do so andmove them, you have complete control over the envirenment. Which looks great, and alsmost lifelike, with the graphics turned up really high. I got the game free with my video card and have been waiting for it patientinly from Steam, today was a great morning woke up and had halflife 2 installed and ready to play, great game , also like CounterStrike, nut I wont be playing that for a while, i'll be in city 17.....