Half-life 2 Episode 1 has alot more to offer than Half-life 2. Clever enemies more enemies so on. but sadly. too short.

User Rating: 8.5 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
When i first got HL2EP1 i was like OMG I'VE GOTTA PLAY THIS. and i did. I loved the graphics and the new HDR. everything looked better. Even dog was pretty. what was also new in it, was that you got to sit in a van and a train for a little. Which is totally new in HL. if we look away from the inbound in HL1. BUT new stuff is good stuff. The core is also a good example of The new graphics PUSH. And damn it looked awesome. but it isn't funny to jump in though... YES there's a new zombie too! with grenades and stuff. but he's pretty stupid. Well i can now tell what i loved in the game. There's a part in the end where the combines kinda keep coming. KILL KILL KILL. yeah... but as in the end... that part wasn't long from the rest. This sequel is VERY short. i played for about 6 hours. and i even looked around where i shouldn't and stuff like that. but yeah good gameplay, good enemies, perfect sound, nice scenery, more story. BUT short short gameplay.
also before i'm done here. i don't think you will replay the game more than 1 or 2 times. it's just too short and simple for that. But everyone has different thoughts so. :D

i'm so done. omg! time for school
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