Huh...... What it's already over?

User Rating: 7.5 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
Honestly this has to be the shortest game I've ever played. This game has good gameplay and sound but the down side would have to be the game is WAY too short.

Gameplay: This game picks off right where Half-Life 2 ended. The action is marvelous. But the lighting is just poor. Half the time your fighting zombies in a dark room. Not only that your flashlight has that aux power still so its very limited. They expect you to find a power box in a dark room where theres countless zombies? What the Hell? I actually had to squint my eyes just to see what the hell is going on. Story: The story is just fantastic. I cannot say anymore. Sound: The sound is fantastic. The voice acting is just marvelous. You can notice their face expressions alot better than Half life 2. Not only that but the music fits perfectly with the game. The battles are unimaginable without music.

Value: These are the types of games whether you like it or not. Well it was a good game but I've seen better. If you are going to get this game I highly recommend it to you. This game comes in the orange box with Half Life 2, and Half life 2 episode 2. There is also portal and team fortress 2 to go along with the orange box. And yes it is worth it. I don't have much to say cause this game was just way too short.