Boring, obviously there to hold us over til ep2.

User Rating: 6.5 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
Welp, its HL2, and its boring :|
There is nothing new from HL2 cept Zombines, and there is nothing fun about them. Its just constantly waddling around with Alyx killing endless amounts of boring zombies in poorly lit areas, I had to take eye strain breaks because of the piss-poor flashlight.
The graphics, sounds, and everything else were just as good as HL2 so they are good, but since they didn't improve at all I don't think they deserve mentioning. The story didn't really advance in ep1 either, other than the portal opening and the train ride at the end, this episode was pointless >.>

This game was obviously just to distract us and get Valve some more moolah while they worked on ep2, but it failed because I beat the damn game in a single day T.T I'd only recommend this if you've never played it and plan on getting the oj box.
the end!