If your a fan of Half-Life 2 and the "short but sweet" philosophy, then you'll love this game.

User Rating: 7 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
Half-Life 2 was a very good game with a disappointing ending.

Half-Life 2: Episode One was a good game with a lousy ending.

Being the first in an episodic series, this game is pretty short. However, I purchased it, brand new, for only 10 dollars so it’s hard to feel like you’ve been ripped off.

Despite it’s short playtime and it’s lame ending, Episode One will still leave you with a sense of satisfaction.

Most of the game play is identical to that of Half-Life 2 with a few additions. Specifically the teamwork that you have to perform with Alyx, which involves shining your flashlight a her targets.

The graphics and physics engines are as impressive as they were before and there is a dramatic increase in the facial expressions. The voice acting is as tremendous as ever.

To many fan’s delight, Alyx Vance is by your side for almost the entire game and flirts with Gordon even more.

The big problem that remains is that Dr. Freeman still never says a word making the ‘relationship’ with Alyx awkward and makes it tough, for me at least, to really embrace the character.

When all is said and done, it come down to one question; Did you like Half-Life 2?

If the answer is yes, then play this game.