The next part to the best FPS in america, but not as good as HL 1 and 2?

User Rating: 8.5 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
The expansion pack of Half Life 2 came out. It still, wasnt as good as the first or second.

You are with Alyx Vance the entire time in this game. Basically, you have to get out of City 17. Fine. Easy. But is it really?

The game adds a lot of new things. Zombies get tougher with the Zombine running at you with a grenade, but if you kill it before it gets to you, it's still trouble.

Realistic emotions are also in this game. Look at Alyx with your flashlight on and she will cover her face. Move it away and she will put her arm down.

Graphics are still as good as the first game. Even better, they added better lighing and new textures to make the scenes of the game amazing.

It is worth the buy, but it may be "too" short. When you play it first, you may think it's kind of long. But when you play it a few more times, the game gets more shorter each time you play.

Half Life 2: Episode 1 is a great continuing storyline to Half Life 2, and we now await the next part of the best FPS series in America, Half Life 2: Episode 2, along after that, Half Life 2: Episode 3, TBA.