An awesome experience aside from some annoying issues.

User Rating: 8 | Guitar Hero World Tour (Guitar Kit) PS2
Guitar Hero World Tour is obviously a blatant rip off of Rock Band, but thats okay, its still better than Rock Band. The thing that still makes Guitar Hero the King of Rhythm games is just the world you are playing in. With Rock Band it just seems like its pick a song, play it and repeat, it doesn't really have a soul. Guitar Hero on the other hand does.

- Good for a newbie or a hardcore veteran
- Nice Graphics
- Terrific song choice
- Character customization is a nice addition
- Guitar/Drums feel a lot better than rock band

- Jarring Load Times
- Song maker is nearly impossible to make a good song with
- Takes forever to make your character
- You lose your data far too often

Story: N/A

Sound: 9/10
Excellent song selection, the only reason it doesn't get a 10 is because there are way too many songs nobody really likes.

Controls: 10/10
WAY better than rock band, no calibration needed, almost always spot-on

Graphics: 6/10
Due to the fact its on the PS2, it doesn't match up with the 360/PS3 versions.

Difficulty: 10/10
Newbies and all stars alike are welcome to come and play. You can have your pick with how hard it is.

Presentation: 9/10
Unlike Rock Band, this game has a soul. It isn't stupifyingly generic like Rock Band, unique menus seal the deal.

Gameplay: 5/10
This is where Rock Band takes the cake away from Guitar Hero a little bit, Long Load Times, Character Customization, and Song Creator just don't do much for the game.

Should I get it?
If you are going for the full band package, then yes, everything except the Foot Pedal just feel better than Rock Band. And chances are you will enjoy this one more.